Thursday, March 24, 2016

Super Tuesday Results

 In this post I will be giving you the results of super tuesday.

Georgia Winners

Republican- Trump with 39%
Democrat- Clinton with 71%

Vermont Winners

Republican- Trump with 33%
Democrat- Sanders with 86%

Virginia Winners

Republican- Trump with 35%
Democrat- Clinton with 64%

Alabama Winners

Republican- Trump with 43%
Democrat- Clinton with 78%

Massachusetts Winners

Republican- Trump with 49%
Democrat- Clinton with 50%

Oklahoma Winners

Republican- Trump with 39%
Democrat- Clinton with 66%

Alaska Winners

Republican- Trump with 33%

Texas Winners

Republican- Cruz with 44%
Democrat- Clinton with 65%

Arkansas Winners

Republican- Trump with 33%
Democrat- Clinton with 66%

Minnesota Winners

Republican- Rubio with 37%
Democrat- Sanders with 62%

Colorado Winners

Democrat- Sanders with 59%