Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Donald Trump

Today I want to talk about Donald Trump.Some people think he is the best person to vote for but I disagree . Even though he has the highest number of polls, in my opinion, his views are despicable. He has made unruly comments about Mexicans like "They (The immigrants) bring drugs and crime with them. He said that they should not be allowed in the country. He has also insulted women by calling them "fat,ugly,slobs and disgusting animals". 

In the presidential debate, Donald Trump said bad things about Rosie O'Donnel. Also, when one of his supporters said that president Obama was a Muslim and not an American, he didn't bother to correct him. .

His motto is " Let's Make America Great Again." Donald Trump's meaning of "Great"  is driving out immigrants, being xenophobic and saying bad things about women. This is not right. He has to remember that America was made up of immigrants.  I hope this gives you an opinion on Donald Trump. Thanks for reading.Please comment if you have different views and make this discussion interesting!!

Donald Trump 


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